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Wednesday, October 12, 2011 8:27 AM

Be wiith who that makes you smile

even through tears

*SCREAM* The princess is back! *donkey smile*' So yeah,I abondoned this blog for what,2 months? Sorry! I can't find the time to update this blog cause I'm sitting for my N-levels this year. So,N-level is over! OVER! My crazy cooking partner,Sumirah and myself scream: Freedom once we walked out of the school gate! Ohmygod! It's like 100 pounds [exaggerating] of weight lifted off my shoulders. So,I don't really have to go school, you will usually find me in the Gym or at the tracks. Ohh puhleesee,I got fats to be burnt and goals to achieved so don't called me obsessed.

As you can see from the pictures above,the last day of school for the Sec 4's NA and NT is bittersweet. As per usual,I don't handle well with goodbyes. So yeah,I cried. Oh come on! I spent 4 years with this bunch of awesome people! Going through ups and downs. And they were the ones who sent me encouraging text when I 'm going through tough times and yes,they always make me laugh through my tears. I know right,I got the sweetest and loveliest mates! ^^ Don't forget my girls ah! *winkwink*

Holidays! Holidays! I got awesome plan ahead of me. So till now,take care.


Baby , back to the top
I can pretend I dont't care.
Monday, July 4, 2011 9:05 AM

I hope you find what you're missing,because I don't

miss you at ALL.

You,make me cry more than you make me laugh,so when you let go of me and cheat on me it make me realise that this is the best for me. Why chose to be sad when happy is another option? I have awesome classmates that never fail to make me laugh till my stomach cramps and brought tear into my eyes. I have girlfriends that always be there for me 24/7. I have juniors that can make me smile through tears. Bottom line:I always have a smile plastered on my face after every shit you put me through. I don't hate you,boy. I really don't. Why hate when you the one who shaped me into a stronger person? We're not in talking terms. I have my own solid reasons for giving you a cold shoulder. I pray for the best of you.

Boo! So,June holidays is like...over. Which meant,I'm gonna study till I can't take it. Haish. Its only been a week and I'm mentally exhausted with all the assignments and coursework to be completed. Great news is,I'm done with my physics notes. Yeay! I'm currently revising and refreshing my brain for chemistry. I'm constantly studying maths. I have to read up on my History,Social Studies and Food&Nutrition. I hope I get good results to get to Sec's 5 and make both my parents proud. ^^ I didn't lose weight nor did I gain weight during the holidays. I knew what went wrong. Now,i'm gonna still do running and this time diet exist. HAHA!

Oh,I'm not gonna update my blog every week. I update when I felt like doing so. hehe. forgive me for that. Anyway,I felt like doing a cover. Idk why but yeah. Okay,till now,take care sweethearts.



Baby , back to the top
Youngest,Cutest and Sweetest.
Saturday, June 18, 2011 10:03 PM

The cutest,the sweetest and the youngest.

They never failed to make me laugh my enitire heart out. We don't do gossips,we talked. We share every detail. We read each other book of lifes. We understand each other jokes and we support each other dreams. I have another awesome Saturday with them! My life is getting better:)

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Baby , back to the top
Jar of hearts.
Thursday, June 9, 2011 2:26 PM

I was under your spell for such a long time.

Couldn't break the chains.

You played with my heart

tore me apart with all your lies and games.

It took all the strength I had

But I crawled up on my feet again.

I loved you so much that I thought someday you could change. But all you brought me was a heart full of pain. I don't want to play your game anymore. I'm out. Go ahead and find another girl to play your silly game with. I was worried about hurting you but you couldn't do the same for me. I hope. I pray that someday,someone will slap your face and awaken you. Change,my friend. Stop going around breaking other girls heart. Enough is enough. Aren't you tired?

If you need someone to annoy you with Justin Bieber stuff,I'm here. If you need someone to talk to,I'm here. But there's no way I'm coming back. Now that I know who you really are,I'm gonna guard my heart from falling into your words. Till now,take care,Syafiq Johari.




Baby , back to the top
The happiest girl can have the most fragile heart because being happy is the only thing that keeps her stand strong on her feet
Tuesday, June 7, 2011 10:36 AM

Don't let life's storms get you down,
Learn to dance in the rain,

run with the lightning and

scream with the thunder.

So,I was being sturbon as per usual,I refure to listen to my girls and the boys who's trying so hard to knock some sense into my freaking brain. Trust me. They really work hard to try to make me realise that I have to give up and don't hold on anymore. But still,no matter how many times they told me,their efforts go down to drain. I wait for 2 hours and plus to wait for you. After I end my courseowrk,I wanna go home and I text you to let you know,but than I change my mind and decided to stay and wait for you like...an hour? Yeah,all this time I wait and wait and wait. You told me you gonna prove to me that you deserve another chance. So I told you to prove it. You did. You did all sorts of stuff that make me believe you. That make me begin to trust you. So,what happened? You let me down for the 4th time. Ohmygod. Seriously?

Aren't you tired lying all the time? Aren't you tired letting me down? Does all that bring some sort of satisfaction to you? You might think that I'm too weak to handle the pain. But dude,you're wrong. I can handle this pain. I know I can. This ain't the first time you put me through this shit. So,I guess this is it. End of 'our' story.

Thank You,Izwan cause you make me realise and you actually make me listen to you that it's time for me to let go and don't hold on anymore. The encouraging text you send was sweet. Thank You,Hakim[Andrey Kymiko] for the advise you gave me. I had an awesome heart to heart talk with you.

So,I had a blast on 4th June with a bunch of awesome people. At time like this,I really do need them to make me laugh my heart out. Yes,I count on them and they never let me down. Never. We been friends ever since primary school and we just get to know Mamat from Hkss. All of them are awesome. I love each one of them. ^^

Half of my year,was bittersweet. The rest of 2011 will be awesome. Recover soon,my heart.


Baby , back to the top
Their spirits inspired me.
Saturday, May 21, 2011 11:18 AM

Don't ever underestimate the people in 4n2 cause

we may surprise you.

While waiting for our turn for the relay,I was trying my best to calm my nerves. But I couldn't do it by myself. The runners for 4n2 sprits was so high and we believe in each other strength. I couldn't deny the fact that their spririts lifted me up. We encourage each other and ALL of us put our 110% when we ran. We gave it all we got. You can hear your friends screaming your name/class at the top of their lungs among the crowd who's watching us. And when Afiq ran across the finishing line,we emerged the 2nd place and it left me speechless. Cause I didn't expect my class,4n2 to win that title. In fact,I didn't expect to win at all. They prove me wrong.

Soccer was awesome. Yes,soccer. When I mentioned soccer,you should have knew that the ball hits my face and directly hit my nose and I fell twice.When the Party Rock Anthem started playing,Izwan and some of the boys started shuffling and it makes me laugh so hard! But whatever it is,my class won 1st runner-up. Again,our aim was just to have fun and we didn't expect to win that title. 4N2,for once,gave it all.

To be honest,for the few weeks of school,I thought that this class is gonna be boring and all. But,after so many good times we had together,I love my class. I'm proud to be in 4n2. Really proud. Yesterday was the first time I felt PURE joy after 050311. Thank you for all of you who make my day! ^^


Baby , back to the top
I'm a girl and you're just a boy. This is my heart,its not a toy.
Friday, April 22, 2011 11:14 PM

You don't know what you have put me through.

You have no idea,do you?

Does hurting me bring satisfaction to you?

Is there something wrong with me? You hurt me more than twice. Congratulations to you,cause you the first guy that make me cried countless times. You played with my heart like as if it's a toy. I'm like your barbie doll,when you're bored,you find me cause you know,you're my weakness and when you're done playing with me,you put me back to the shelf and walk away just like that. But,stupid as it sounds,I still can't get over you. There's just something about you that I can't let go.

I still hold the memories. I still reminiscing the past. I remembered,each time my training ends,I knew you be in the canteen or playing soccer with your fellow mates while waiting for me and when I'm done,you will send me home. Each time when we went school together,the both of us will be arguing over something and you will played pranks on me early in the morning even though you knew it annoys me. When I got a major headache,you lend me your shoulder and told me to rest and you will remain quiet cause you scared if it will worsened my headache. If I came to you with a broken finger,you will asked if is everthing alright with me and you will try your best to massage my finger. During recess time,you find me and shot me a look that tells me to eat and if I refuse to listen,you gave me a silent treatment. :/ That particular time,I was running down and you told me to meet you and I did and everything felt better afterwards.

Now,you tell me,how can I let go? How can I move on?


Baby , back to the top
I am unstoppable
If you have any doubts,clear it.
Ask me questions on my formspring and view my page to see my answers.



Wanie Barneyy^^
You know my name,to know my story,you came to the right place.
I am a believer and believe that I can achieve all my goals,just watch me.

In doubts,ask

Pretty Pictures
Heng qi
Jurongville netball
Jurongville Netball onsugar
Kai yi
Haniss Maria
Hanis Rocker
Liyann Tumblr bloggy



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Others; xoxo
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